The Collective Power of the Soul
The Collective Power of the Soul
With Robert and Karey
Santa Fe NM
May 15 & 16, 2021
There is also an on-line option for this class
When we join in the collective power of Soul, we become a powerful force of change, healing and support for each other, regardless of the where we live or the condition of the world. Much of the world reacts to the pandemic, economic and political challenges through the smallness of their fear and lack, which may be an important perspective for survival, however from the perspective of the Soul, events in the world are all opportunities to transform ourselves and the world into loving. In the workshop we will explore ways to align in the consciousness of Soul, center in living love, explore ways to join in the presence of the collective soul, and ways to evaluate events in the world as opportunities rather than limitations. From the collective power of Soul, we look at the current challenges in the world as a process of giving birth to a new way for humanity.
Early bird: paid before April 15th Tuition $375 plus NM tax
Regular tuition: $425 plus NM tax
Early bird on-line: paid before April 15th $340
Regular Tuition: on-line $370