Soul Science: The Emerging Paradigm

 Robert Waterman

On-Line Class

Science teaches [us] that although [we are] not of this world [we are] a teacher in it, and being a teacher [we are] a soldier in the hands of Science. PP Quimby*

We are the lens through which we restrict or expand our senses, intellect and knowing. From Quimby’s perspective, our curiosity impels us to discover the nature of things and the numinous worlds from which our physical world unfolds. From this perspective, we are the agency of science which is the way of God (Love) realizing itself through us. It is in the precision of our focus that our thought, feelings, senses, love and the use of analogy and metaphor that spiritual science matches the excellence of material science. Quimby, in his day, fused these elements of discovery into the science of the Christ, or rather Christ as the science. In this sense the unfolding and discovery of our lives is the science. In this Webinar we will explore the current romance of material and spiritual science and the study of our personal qualities and skills that suite us to be the agency of the greater science to which Quimby infers.

Meets on Zoom from 7 to 8:30 PM, MT, on March 10, 17, 24, April 7, 14
Classes will be recorded, for those that miss a class.

Tuition: $375

*Phineas Parkhurst Quimby was a 19th century American Transcendentalist Healer who developed the Science of the Christ and is considered the father of New Thought in America. (Research on-line for more.)

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Soul Science: The Emerging Paradigm Online Class