Female Alchemy with Karey Thorne


Female Alchemy with Karey Thorne

Santa Fe, New Mexico

There is an on-line option for this class

This Class will meet over a nine months period with a 3-day class at the beginning and end. 

In person 3-day classes -There are 3- 3 day classes during the year. November 19-21, 2021 is the first 3 day class. We will pick the other two 3 days classes during the Nov class

Can be done on-line if necessary.

Monthly zoom calls: There will be 8 zoom meetings during the year. Will be decided in Nov.

This 9-to 12 month course will focus on igniting and bringing forward the feminine inside each individual. We will learn how to bring this into the world in a balanced, open and wise way. As the collective feminine is awakening, let us gather and discover what this energy presents for us. How can we lead in a new way that does not include mistakes of the past or set up new institutions that dominate the collective of humanity. Now is the time for a balance between men and women of mutual respect.

 This experiential course will incorporate creativity in writing, storytelling, drama, meditation, forgiveness and reflection with assignments between each monthly zoom class. We will investigate how the spirit moves through the female body, how the feminine carries the mystical connection and the way that it is manifested out into the world. We will learn how to mature the feminine inside of ourselves so that we can come to know the gift that we are.

  Part of this class will be to study a historic woman of your choice. You will develop a relational resonance with this woman and then embody her in the final class. This will be a shared experience between all participants, and I invite the wisdom of each individual to the table.

Some of the areas we will investigate are:

  • Reverence and how to live this into an alive state of seeing the beauty in life and each other. 

  • Vulnerability, the feminine shadow and how to fulfill what it needs in a healthy way.  

  • Internal trauma of being in a female body 

  • How we have incorporated the patriarchal approach

  • The unconscious cosmology living inside of us 

Early Bird Tuition: $2150 must be paid in full by October 19, 2021.

Early bird full payment $2300 if paying monthly for 10 months

Tuition After October 6th : $2500

Deposit to hold your place $500.00 

This class is recommended for people who have already done classes with Karey or Robert in the past. 

Limited to 12 participants

from $500.00