Dr. Robert Waterman has been a spiritual teacher for over 45 years, teaching classes in the United States, Canada, France, Germany and Switzerland. He is a licensed mental health counselor in New Mexico, a minister and founder and president emeritus of Southwestern College (a spiritually oriented graduate school for Counselors and Art Therapists) . He has a doctorate in Education and Counseling, and a Masters in Sociology. He is author of Eyes Made of Soul: Theory and Practice of Noetic Balancing, Footprints of Eternity: Ancient Mysteries Applied to Modern therapy, Mandala of the Soul: A Spiritual Approach to the Art of Archetypal Psychology.
I work with groups from a spiritual mantel (or dispensation) that is always lifting each participant to a higher quality experience of their innate wholeness. Through this lifting matrix and heart-centered presence, higher consciousness uses the participant’s present state as the fulcrum for resolution and transformation. My capacity to be present in a state of unconditional love gives me the ability to know and to share that with you in a useful way. We begin from where you are as the gateway to where you want to go. The transformation yields a greater sense of self as Soul and through that access all things are possible. My early awareness of spiritual gifts began with experiences in church and scriptural insights, revealing a mystical depth of Biblical teachings. Having said that, a quality of my higher nature enables me to apply my focus from whatever spiritual experience or teaching brings you to the mystery school. When the present moment is made sacred, God resolves all things for our highest good and restores us to our Souls.