Heart to Heart Healing
Robert Waterman and Karey Thorne
Place: Santa Fe NM
September 10 and 11, 2022
Weekend class
9:30-5:00 Saturday, 9:30-4:00 Sunday
Heart to Heart Healing requires a comfortable sense of self, guided by a sense of giving and communal health, yet free of ambition to heal, control, manage, or compensate for one’s lack. Our hearts are resident to a divine goodness that shares a resonant frequency with all creation and that is exceptional apparent in human relationship. Heart to Heart healing is an atmospheric resonate empathy in which we enable love to have its way. As a means to enhance our capacity for Heart to Heart Healing, we will explore the centrality of opening our understanding through how we identify ourselves internally, the resolution of competing habits and beliefs, and our sensitivity to and comfort with harmonic love frequencies.
Early Bird Tuition: In person: $405 + tax Online: $340
Must be paid by August 10th to get early bird price
Regular Tuition: In Person: $450 + tax. Online: $385
Deposit: $150