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Been There, Done That

The Subtle Hand of Conditional Love 

Robert Waterman and Karey Thorne
Place: Santa Fe NM

 February 5-6, 2022 
9:30-5:00 Saturday, 9:30-4:00 Sunday

The familiarity of our knowledge, talents, virtues, skills and defining experiences are often our next adversary. As we acquire life, we consolidate into a boundary of our known excellence, inadvertently limiting our further expansion and enlightenment, creating an adverse, even perverse, sense of self that limits our perception, creates entitlement, and promotes subtle forms of separations from true self, others, and God. The remedy emerges from the way we live each moment, either sustaining, tearing down, or lifting up. How do we encounter the spontaneity of divine choice in each breath?

Early Bird:   In person: $405.00 + tax    Online: $340.00

Regular:       In person: $450.00 + tax    Online: $385.00 

Deposit:       $150


from $150.00