Synchronous Creativity

Open to everyone

Presented by Robert Waterman and Karey Thorne

Santa Fe, May 23-24, 2020

There is an on-line option for this class

9:30-5:00 each day

In our internal house there are many rooms in which live the tribes, ancestors, and issues of our lives. In subtle ways, as we developed our strategies for managing this world, we inadvertently assigned rooms to external controllers. The soul strategy is guided by using everything in life to transform ourselves into loving and is the key to liberation and enlightenment. When we choose Soul, our love goes room to room, clearing, transforming, remodeling until we are master of our house. When we are masters of our house, we increasingly grow stronger in our alignment, communities are healthy, and nations thrive. We will explore the continuing journey of the ways and means of the power of love and embody the admonition that “I am Soul: master of my house.” New participants blend easily into the flow of the subject. In this class we will refine our sense of mastery in our own house and open the door to the dimension of synchronous creativity in which past and future enfold into the eternal now.

We design our classes to harvest any small element you may have missed in your awakening consciousness. These elements are often the small change the make a big difference. Through the relational skill of dialogue and spiritual presence, we establish a depth of love that resolves issues (karma). In this venue your issues become a doorway into your Soul, unwinding those hidden places that yearn to become love. Our classes provide a safe and powerful presence in which participants discover and awaken spiritually, transform limitations, access their inner wisdom and unfold their way of experiencing the many dimensions of reality.

Santa Barbara Prices:

$385 - Early Bird (before April 30th). $450 - Standard Price

$340 - On-line zoom option

Click the "Add to cart" button to register and pay

I AM SOUL Workshop
from $340.00